Improving the Robustness of GraphSAINT via Stability Training
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) field has a dramatic development nowadays due to the strong representation capabilities for data in non-Euclidean space, such as graph data. However, as the scale of the dataset continues to expand, sampling is commonly introduced to obtain scalable GNNs, which leads to the instability problem during training. For example, when Graph SAmpling based INductive learning meThod (GraphSAINT) is applied for the link prediction task, it may not converge in training with a probability range from 0.1 to 0.4. This paper proposes the improved GraphSAINTs by introducing two normalization techniques and one Graph Neural Network (GNN) trick into the traditional GraphSAINT to solve the problem of the training stability and obtain more robust training results. The improved GraphSAINTs successfully eliminate the instability during training and improve the robustness of the traditional model. Besides, we can also accelerate the training procedure convergence of the traditional GraphSAINT and obtain a generally higher performance in the prediction accuracy by applying the improved GraphSAINTs. We validate our improved methods by using the experiments on the citation dataset of Open Graph Benchmark (OGB).
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