Traffic Flow Indicators Analysis to Determine Causes of Vehicular Congestion
The analysis of the level of vehicular congestion that occurs in the surrounding sectors of the downtown neighborhood in the city Villavicencio, Colombia specifically on Alfonso López Avenue and both of its main intersections are presented. The results of the analysis of the measurements of the speeds that were obtained taking the different modes of transportation such as private, public (taxis and buses), and plate method. Speeds were taken at peak and off-peak hours in the morning and afternoon for 15 continuous days through cycles that incorporate a series of fluid and congested traffic or combined taking into account the relationship variables between flow, velocity, density, interval, and spacing. Additionally, at intersections, traffic flow indicators were obtained to propose a solution that allowed improving the level of service on each one using the simulation tool Synchro. The previous analysis seeks to contribute to the discussion about the impact of the different modes of transportation on traffic congestion, the road and signals infrastructure, and how to diagnose and propose solutions to improve mobility.
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