Research Advancements in Recycling: YOLOV4 and Darknet-powered Object Detection of Hazardous Items

Keywords: Deep Learning, YOLOv4, Darknet, Object Detection, AI in Recycling, Image Processing


With the rise of deep learning technologies, the landscape of recycling plant automation has dramatically transformed. This paper presents a pioneering application of YOLOv4 in conjunction with Darknet, tailored specifically to detect hazardous items including spray cans, batteries, and other potential threats. By introducing this state-of-the-art detection mechanism, recycling plants can elevate safety standards, optimize operational processes, ensure adherence to stringent regulatory guidelines, and play a pivotal role in environmental preservation.


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How to Cite
A. Rakhio, “Research Advancements in Recycling: YOLOV4 and Darknet-powered Object Detection of Hazardous Items”, paradigmplus, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Mar. 2024.